By borrowing up to 90% of the cash surrender value (CSV) of their participating life insurance policy, your clients can gain a powerful personal or business financial tool and use the funds for whatever they want, including to:
¹Clients should always consult their financial advisor regarding their unique tax situation and the tax-free benefits of a CSV Line of Credit.
A CSV line of credit provides clients with a set credit limit (minimum $100,000) at a floating rate with the flexibility to draw funds at any time. Clients make interest-only payments on the monthly outstanding balance. If they meet certain qualifications, they can increase the credit limit in the future.
Help your clients make the most of their life insurance. View information about our CSV Line of Credit.
"The WealthONE team is out of this world to work with. They know what they are doing and I really appreciate all their support and for always being able to get things done and quickly close the deal!"H.C. Financial Advisor, BC
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